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M.G. Hawking
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 430

Journey into a fabled hidden world deep in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal to experience a series of remarkable adventures and discover the powerful body of esoteric knowledge that arose several thousand years prior to the arrival of Buddhism.Cradling the most isolated area of Earth’s landmass, through the ages the remote inner region of Nepal’s Great Himalayan Range has inspired countless legends of a hidden sanctuary of great masters possessed of all-encompassing knowledge. Although arising from sources greatly separated both geographically and chronologically, the legends are remarkably consistent.The scriptures of the 4000 year-old Zhang Zhung culture are thought to be the earliest extant references, yet the same hidden realm is represented in many ancient traditions; the pre-Buddhist B’on treaties of Nepal, texts of the Kalki lore, the Puranas, and in the even more ancient ...
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5 stars from 22 ratings