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Kevin Armstrong
Publisher: Balmain Publishers
Pages: 140

A hot collection of gay short stories from Kevin Armstrong the author of the Gay Sex Odyssey series. Book One: The Boys of Summer Whilst he is in his final year at Drummond College young Jay Robinson decides that he wants to be a writer. However he quickly discovers that he is more interested in writing about boys than girls. ‘I found that it was very easy to write vivid descriptions of my male characters. Trouble was these details didn’t stop at “dirty blonde hair” or “ice-blue eyes.” I increasingly described their abs, their six-packs, their navels and then down, down along the joy trail until, of course, I arrived at their cocks and balls.’ After he graduates Jay decides to journey to the legendary surfers’ town of Margaret River hoping to collect material for his stories. In the Happy Surfies’ Haven where he is staying he meets a beautiful Viennese boy called Sebastian. The boy from ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 15 ratings