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Ellen Warren
Publisher: ALEX-PUBLISHING (July 7, 2015)
Pages: 93

Discover How to Make Amazing Paper Structures in Just One Day with This Easy to Use Guide **** 15 Beautiful Origami Designes with Step by Step Instructions and Illustrations **** Did you know that you can make a beautiful flower or animals out of one single sheet of paper without using glue? That’s what’s amazing about origami, the art of paper folding. By following a pattern of folds, you can create incredibly beautiful paper sculptures. At the beginning of this book, you will start with a simple sheet of paper. You will then fold your way through simple folds. As you do, you will familiarize yourself with their names and shapes. Moving from there, you will create traditional origami bases. After that, you will make simple origami models. Then finally, you will end up making more challenging origami sculptures. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to become a truly ...
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3.5 stars from 63 ratings