Craig Santoro
ASIN: B011A49CF8
Pages: 74
Discover The Secrets of Personal Finance in this Amazing Book !! Inside you will Find a Detailed Description of the Different Methods to Save, Invest and Manage Your Money.Somebody once said that failing to plan is planning to fail. And failing to manage is managing to fail. Just like an untended garden, many important areas of our lives can be very messy to say the least without good active management. One of those areas is personal finance. We all have needs and wants, which all require money. Personal finance is the ongoing activity of managing our money so that we can ensure that all our needs – both current and future ones – are met along with as much of our wants as possible. Most people get by meeting their current needs and leave the future ones to fate. We shouldn’t do that. We should prepare for them while we still have time. Personal finance management can go a long way in ...