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Ellen Warren
Pages: 72

Discover How to Make Amazing Calligraphy in Just One Day with This Easy to Use Guide **** Included: Beautiful Designes with Step by Step Instructions and Illustrations **** Calligraphy is one of the most fluid forms of art today. Typographers and iconographers as well as calligraphers use letters as a way of driving a point home more than just through the word itself, but through the way the word impacts you. Once you start looking at the way that words are made up, you’ll begin to see the many ways that you can change them to have a bigger effect on the viewer. This is true of everything from invitations you send out to art you create for display. Words have specific meanings, but the way that a word is viewed versus heard can affect how it’s perceived. Calligraphy allows you to subtly enhance each letter, putting in different flourishes, curls, and lines. You can even add small ...
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