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Aidin Safavi
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 42

What Should you Learn to be successful in sales? What are the most important skills? How can your improve your knowledge in this area?Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.Selling is a wonderful profession when approached ethically, constructively and helpfully. Happily much sales development theory takes this positive direction. The origins of the word 'sell' provide a useful reminder of its purest meaning. Selling is a wide subject, covering many selling methods, sales theories, models and sales training methods. Successful selling requires that the product or service is of suitable quality for its target market, and that the selling company takes good care of its customers. Therefore it's helpful for the sale person (or anyone else in business for that matter) to work for a ...
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4 stars from 9 ratings