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Thomas Kelley
ASIN: B0140TR3D8
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 74

If you are looking for one of the few yoga books that will teach you everything that you need to know about yoga or weight loss, then the Yoga For Beginners Book: Beginner Posses for Yoga and Weight Loss is the perfect book for you. Unlike many yoga books or yoga for beginner’s book, this book is crammed full of yoga tips and essentials that every newbie should know before partaking in this art.In this yoga diet book, you will find a variety of helpful information such as common mistakes to avoid that you will not find in any of the yoga books available today, essential tips for yoga or weight loss due to yoga and beginner yoga poses that any newbie should have in any yoga for beginner’s book.Unlike many yoga diet book today, this yoga diet book contains 30 beginner postures that will not only help you to lose weight in the process but that will help to alleviate a variety of ailments ...
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3.5 stars from 10 ratings