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Kathy Stanton
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 26

Discover 50 Quick Ways To Clean Your House Fast, Stay Organized And Declutter Your Life!How can you as a busy mom make it possible to keep your home clean and organized? There is always something that needs cleaning, and there is no time to do it with all that you have to do to care for your children. Not only that, there is no organization whatsoever when there is a busy toddler around.Busy moms all wonder how they can change this trend and keep their home clean and in order. By taking some of these tips and putting them into play, you as a busy mom can keep your home clean and organized, even with messy munchkins around!This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to clean your home quickly even when you feel as though you don’t have time to do much of anything.In this book "Minimalism For The Busy Mom," you will learn 50 proven steps and strategies on how to clean your home ...
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