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Ganga Bharani Vasudevan
Publisher: Tales4 Publications
Pages: 167

Amnesiac Meera wants to discover her past. Engaged to Ashruth, who is also her doctor, she is tempted to run away and forge a new life as she wonders how she ever fell in love with him. Starting life afresh, she decides to give him a chance and explore more about her past in the meanwhile. Reading a diary that she had written before the accident, she learns why she fell for Ashruth but her feelings seem to have changed now. She learns that her dad, Prabhu, is a rich business man living happily with her mom, Nadhiya. Most of her diary pages are filled with memories of Santhosh, her cousin. As she reads about Santhosh and his role in her past life, she starts to like him. Ashruth decides to leave Meera at her parent’s residence until their wedding, which is a month away. He tells them that she is like a blank paper and anything that affects her will get imprinted in her. Like a book or a ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 51 ratings