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J.J. Birtwell
Publisher: Unblinkered Press
Pages: 223

STAYING PUT is an account of one Englishman’s battle to secure his future in Spain.Jack Birtwell, a sprightly sixty-year-old from Accrington, Lancashire, is due to retire in 2019 and hopes that his poor pension prospects won’t force him to sell his beloved house in Spain and return to England to live out his days.When Brian, his friend and employer, is forced to lay him off from his part-time building job his dilemma becomes even more acute.After racking his brains and those of his closest friends for money-making ideas, he thinks he has come up with a solution. It will put paid to his increasingly solitary lifestyle and force him back into the social milieu of the village, but the thought of having to leave his house and land spur him into action.Certain people, however, have other plans for his home and a conspiracy is soon afoot to buy him out and send him packing, making the life of ...
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