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Kathy Stanton
ASIN: B014ZG4W94
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 35

Discover 50 Simple Hacks To Get Organized, Declutter Your Space And Clean Your Home In 7 Days!Have you ever looked at your home and wondered how you can make it a clean and organized area to relax in? What if you could get your home clean and organized in just a week?When your home becomes dirty and cluttered, you dread going home after a busy day. If you’re tired of the dirt and clutter, take a look at some of the tips in this book to help you get your home back into tip top shape!With the tips in this book, you will be able to turn your home into a place that you enjoy spending time in.In this book "Cleaning and Organizing for Busy People," you will learn how to make some simple changes to the way that you view your home and make new efforts to transform it into a place you enjoy. When you are busy, your home is usually the last thing on your mind. However, it can be the most ...
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