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Kathy Stanton
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 25

Discover 40 Simple Ways To Declutter Your Busy Life, Spend Less And Live A Simple Lifestyle!Do you ever wonder how can you live a simpler life when there isn’t too much time to spare? It seems like your day is gone before it even begins.In a world that is so incredibly busy, you may be wondering how you can simplify your life without having to spend tons of time keeping your life together. There seems to be more and more to do and less and less time. Everything you do to make the situation better only makes for more work for you. How can you find a way to MAKE IT BETTER?By learning the strategies in this book for simplifying your busy life, you can enjoy a decluttered and enjoyable life and even have a little time to spare!In this book "Minimalist Living for Busy People," you will learn proven steps and strategies on how to declutter your life and learn to live a more simple life, even ...
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