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Tyrean Martinson
ASIN: B0153L2AA8
Publisher: Wings of Light Publishing
Pages: 197

Secrets kept may endanger the lives of Clara and everyone she loves as they approach a final battle with the Dark Sisterhood. Months have passed since her last skirmish with the Dark Sisterhood, but Clara isn’t waiting for them to attack any longer. She, and all those with the Allied Council, have waited only to put their people in place before bringing the fight to the Dark Sisterhood. As Clara prepares to lead a strike team of allies into the heart of the Dark Sisterhood, she is burdened by a secret. Will her team follow her if they know the truth? Leading a separate team with King William on a ship filled with Allied Council members, Salene finds it hard to find time alone. When she discovers two stowaways, Salene is faced with a tough choice which may sway the outcome of the coming battle. As Clara and her allies edge toward battle, unexpected difficulties arise as they discover the ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 6 ratings