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Charles S. Isaacs
ASIN: B0153VE84O
Publisher: Harpers Ferry Press
Pages: 455

Two young lovers find each other just as the Vietnam War, the Antiwar Movement, and the Black Power Movement near their explosive peaks. Excitement, danger and heartache lie ahead. It’s September 1967. Steve Harris – white, idealistic, naïve -- begins his freshman year. During that year, he will fight to end the war, fall in love, confront painful truths about his family, and be jailed and beaten by police. Through this crucible, he emerges with a transformed consciousness, of the world and of himself.His awakening begins with a rousing antiwar speech delivered by Emma Gold, a Depression-era radical. When Emma introduces him to young Cat Crawford -- inter-racial, brilliant and exotically beautiful – his bewitching is complete. The two students’ instant friendship blossoms before long into a passionate love affair. Their bond is tested, though, by the mounting demands of the times, and ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 18 ratings