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Gary Naiman
Publisher: Fideli Publishing, Inc.
Pages: 266

"I read this book because one of the reviewers compared it to 'Seven Days in May.' I enjoyed both Storm Rising and Heartland." (AC)"I couldn't put it down and recommend it to all who like political thrillers." (Mark S)"A must read. This would make a great movie and I hope someone picks it up and turns it into a movie script." (AC)"The credentials, background, and character traits of the new president present an interesting commentary on the leadership a broken nation desperately needs." (GF)"Best story I've read in a long time." (CV)In this explosive sequel to Gary Naiman's bestseller, Storm Rising, the United States is shaken by constitutional upheaval, martial law, and increasing terrorist threats. Frustrated by hopeless overseas wars and its corrupt civilian leaders, the U.S. military has taken it upon itself to reset the nation's direction. Unfortunately, the power struggle between ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 21 ratings