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Mickey Dee
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 43

Rhonda’s life took a major turn at 13 when her doctor diagnosed her with bipolar disease. Her periods of high energy and moodiness fraught with drama drove most of her boyfriends from her during her high school years in California. Rhonda had the gorgeous face reminiscent of Los Angeles models and a desirable body with curves in all the right places. She appealed to most men.Rhonda’s dating life consisted of kissing a lot of frogs and struggles with relationships, at least until she attended her community home owner’s association meeting where she first laid eyes on Alonzo. He had just inherited his late uncle’s condominium in her building where his hope was to start fresh, escaping his past. Alonzo’s past was a hard one. He’d been a ruthless and scandalous thug whose life was quickly spinning out of control and eventually landed him in prison. He’d been skilled in the art of deception ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 6 ratings