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Jack O'Donnell
Pages: 319

This is the fourth collection in the Land of Fright™ series of short horror stories. Land of Fright™ is intended for mature audiences.Land of Fright™ Collection IV includes these ten horror short stories: #31 - The Throw-Aways: A washed-up writer of action-adventure thrillers is menaced by the ghosts of the characters he has created.#32 - Everlasting Death: The souls of the newly deceased take on solid form and the Earth quickly begins to fill with immovable statues of death…#33 - Bite the Bullet: In the Wild West, a desperate outlaw clings to a bullet cursed by a gypsy… because the bullet has his name on it.#34 - Road Rage: A senseless accident on a rural highway sets off a frightening chain of events.#35 - The Controller: A detective investigates a bank robbery that appears to have been carried out by a zombie.#36 - The Notebook: An enchanted notebook helps a floundering author finish ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 11 ratings