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Louise Davidson
Publisher: The Cookbook Publisher
Pages: 93

Give from the Heart with Personalized Homemade Edible Gifts this Holiday Season! In just a few minutes, you can prepare elegant and classic edible gifts! Your friends and family will love you for it! The holidays are a time of great celebration and an opportunity to express love, friendship, and appreciation through the gifts that we give. There is an ever-increasing trend towards giving gifts that are handcrafted, especially those that appeal to our taste buds. This book has all the recipes that you need to supply everyone on your list, no matter how young, old, or particular, with the perfect gift, homemade with love and care in your very own kitchen with the fresh ingredients that you trust. There really isn’t any better way to express yourself this holiday season. You do not need to be a culinary master or be able to find your way around the kitchen effortlessly in order to make any ...
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4 stars from 49 ratings