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Lazaro Droznes, Sex Fun
ASIN: B018A9G49I
Publisher: UNITEXTO Digital Publishing
Pages: 60

Women love men with a sense of humor. The life of the party is the man who cracks the right word in the right moment. The problem is: Where are the good lines when you need them? They are here. The best one-liners to show off in public and in private: Dirty jokesSexy jokesWitticismsFunny quotesRiddlesWisecracksFeminist jokesLove jokesSexist jokes.Bad jokesFunny proverbs All the one liners are related to sex, women and love relationships. The lines everybody wants to listen. Take the lines you´ll need to become the life of the party with you in your Kindle, cellphone or tablet.Dating will never be the same. In the parties everybody will flock around eager not to miss your lines.Download this book and start dazzling women!
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 7 ratings