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Kathryn M. Hearst, Fox Emm, Adam S. House, Louisa Bacio, Lori M. Myers, Benjamin Sperduto, Richard Ayre, L.B. Shimaira, K. Z. Morano
Publisher: Spooky Words Press
Pages: 235

A themed anthology for extreme horror fans.In this chilling horror collection, 29 writers and poets have come together to share tales of the grotesque, the supernatural, and more. Their words will pluck you from your comfort zone and leave you for dead, or worse. Have you ever considered where evil bides its time when it’s not outside your door? What disturbing locale could make it feel safe? We've all heard that home is where the heart is, but alas, that heart is sometimes racing…We hope you live in a good neighborhood.Contributors Include:Richard AyreLouisa BacioCharlotte BakerRudy BarrettRoger BeckettJohn L. Davis IVFox EmmNorbert GoráKathryn M. Hearst LinnieSarah Helpern Matthew J. Hockey Adam S. House Neil HudsonMac Jones Ariel Klontz John McGuiggan Malachy McDermott Jonathan MoellerK.Z. MoranoLori Myers Rachel Nussbaum Matthew O'Leary Riley J. PierceBenjamin SperdutoLuke Schamer ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 21 ratings