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Mike Faricy
Publisher: Credit River Publishing
Pages: 341

HE'S FROM THE FEDS...AND HE'S HERE TO HELLLLLLLLppppp!Bobby Custer keeps changing his locks, but somehow he just never feels secure. Small wonder.His women betray him time and again – despite his generosity with his pharmaceutical supplies, and, of course, his fatal charm. His mysterious new tenant and her team of large, muscular handymen – each with a pistol shoved into the waistband of his work pants -- have done a fabulous rehab on the house he “inherited”, but suddenly there are a distressing number of murders in the neighborhood.Try as he might to break free, Bobby’s present existence comes with strings attached – from the disagreeable partners in the law firm, to the feds who got him the job, and to mobster Morris Montcreff, who knows where the bodies are buried -- but not necessarily which or how many!Bobby Custer’s never more than one step ahead of Montcreff, maybe it's time to ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 27 ratings