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Morgan Nyberg
Publisher: (January 7, 2016)
Pages: 90

This is how the end begins! It happens in one apocalyptic year. Famine and pandemic ravage the planet. Share the plight of Smith, an international problem solver caught in a terrifying plunge toward the death of civilization. Smith travels the world trying to save businesses. It’s his job. He knows profit and loss. But when it comes to fear, he’s as helpless as you or me. Join Smith now for the final, heart-rending months of his journey. The Fixer is a Post-apocalyptic Short Read. Other books in the Raincoast Saga: Since Tomorrow Birds of Passage Medicine Slaves of the Bear Clan Save one-third by purchasing The Raincoast Trilogy, a digital boxed set consisting of Since Tomorrow, Birds of Passage and Medicine. This set is free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers!
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 120 ratings