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Bright Books, The Nightingale
Publisher: Bright Books
Pages: 27

About the Summary This is the bright, 15-minute summary of Kristin Hannah’s best-selling book The Nightingale. Here you will find the important details from each chapter condensed into a clear, concise, enjoyable read. Whether you are a book club newbie or a ravenous bibliophile you will be delighted by this new reading experience. And, of course, we encourage you to buy and read Hannah’s full version when you can. After all, her book is a best-seller for a good reason! About the Book The Nightingale is Kristin Hannah's highly lauded epic novel depicting the struggles of Frenchwomen during World War II. The novel follows the lives of two sisters, Vianne and Isabelle, who show amazing courage. Although not a true story, major events in the book did happen. The book is a New York Times bestseller and was the Amazon Spotlight Pick for February 2015. About the Author Kristin Hannah is a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 22 ratings