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Lisa Rusczyk
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 26

Enjoy reading childrens books for kindle free with Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime. Children's Book: Unique TurtleThis is a read aloud kids book that is written in an easy to read style with 15 colorful illustrations and is ideal for children from preschool to little kids. Every turtle is unique.Some turtles wear hats.Other turtles do not.Some turtles wear glasses to see.Other turtles wear glasses because they look nice.Every turtle is special and unique, just like your child! Kids will laugh and learn as they read along to this fun book that teaches them the value of being different! Silly turtles wearing colorful shells and vibrant pictures will capture their imagination and bring about hours of fun! Make reading time a uniquely fun occasion with this great book from the You Are Loved book series!Read along Unique Turtle is a beginner reader book that any child will enjoy ...
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