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Shelly Morgan
Publisher: Limitless Publishing LLC
Pages: 258

With a dark past of abuse, Toby Smith full-on raged against life. After years of neglect from his junkie mother, Toby turned to the one thing that made his fury go away—mixed martial arts. Now, as an adult, he lives and breathes his training club and fighting, inside or outside of the cage. But when a mousy blonde walks into his gym for a self-defense class he's teaching, that all fades away. Sara Carmichael was always a doormat—until the day she took her life back. Struggling to cope with years of physical and emotional abuse from a boyfriend, things take a turn for the worse. Drunk and in rare form, he nearly violates her in unspeakable ways. So she leaves and escapes from New York to California, hoping it’s far enough away that he won't find her. Sparks fly in the most uncommon places. When Sara and Toby meet, they never expected it would be in a sweaty gym. When they are together ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 540 ratings