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Val Andrews
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 100

Join one of the world’s greatest detectives and his assistant as they help to solve the unsolvable with Lestrade and his team at the metropolitan police. Follow Holmes and Watson as they traverse the streets of London and take on cases from the most unlikely of clients in these thirteen short mysteries.   In Val Andrews’ Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Dozen you will find marvellous tales of intrigue and mystery....      The Lobster Quadrille Colonel Archibald Fanshawe, from Watson’s Afghanistan days, bumps into his old comrade and proceeds to invite Watson and Holmes for dinner with him and his wife. As the dinner is in full swing and the main course gets underway it is apparent to Holmes that something is afoot after Fanshawe falls gravely ill at dinner…  The Gantry Point Wreckers Take a trip away from Baker Street whilst Holmes recuperates on doctor’s orders and has some ...
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4.5 stars from 178 ratings