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George R. Martin III
Publisher: Create Space
Pages: 63

Author’s Foreword: These true events can neither be explained and many of these events were witnessed by others who for the most part who wish to remain anonymous. There are things that can be explained in the real modern world and accepted as fact but there are some things that remain a mystery or for the most part are ignored as the human rationale for accepting or acknowledging the event that occurred would bend the very fabric of reality; which could leave one in dire straits! I will only state the following: they happened, they may not be explainable, but they really happened! Now how your mind accepts them as either fact or fiction isn’t the case, but whether you accept them into your reality, because the events were witnessed by others and this reality you live in is changing. I covered much of the changing in my book “Alchemy & Transmutation”, which covered what was meant by the ...
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