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Emma Melton
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 126

Cut Carbs, Cut Time and Be Healthy!You Can Do It With Your Microwave! You’ve probably never really thought about it before but cooking most if not all of your meals in the microwave can save you all kinds of time and taste just as good as when it takes a long time for conventional cooking. Baked potatoes that take an hour in the oven can take about seven in a good microwave. From the proper containers and cookware to the right ingredients for your low-carb eating plan, this book provides you with all you need to get started and keep going down the right road.This book provides you with a lot of options when it comes to microwave cooking. Your breakfasts don’t have to be boring when you consider the delicacies you can make in less than 15 minutes. Some can take less than five! Consider the time you can save preparing portions ahead of time and just putting them in the microwave for a ...
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