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Asanga wijeratne
Publisher: Asanga Wijeratne
Pages: 136

Today, people in the world suffer from more than 200 sleep disorders. This type of sleep disorder is unique and needs to be addressed correctly with thorough medical knowledge. However, I also found that we neglect many things which impact our sleep. Therefore, this book does not go deep into each sleeping problem, but I expect to discuss general and straightforward things about sleeping, which will help any person have quality sleep. This is the third version of this book, and since I have written this book for the first time, it was improved a lot when it comes to the third edition. Also, many new studies were made on sleep during these years, so I included them in this version of the book. I hope that this book will be helpful for whoever reads it and that it will provide at least one new thing that can improve the quality of your sleep.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 48 ratings