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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 73

*Includes pictures*Includes contemporary accounts of the integration, including Meredith's own*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsThough Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence wrote that the United States would be founded on the principles that all men were created equal, nearly 200 years would pass before the principle was put into any real practice. Although the end of the Civil War opened the door for the passage of the Civil War Amendments, which abolished slavery, and, in theory, granted the descendants of both free and enslaved blacks the same rights as those enjoyed by whites, those rights were not respected or practiced during the century following the war. Most aspects of life, including schooling, remained segregated on every level, especially throughout the Jim Crow South, and the years following the ...
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4.5 stars from 4 ratings