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Publisher: unknown
Pages: 64

The Internet just came out of the blue, people were a bit suspicious of what it really was about at first. No one had special interests in it to begin with. But now fast-forward that a few decades later, the internet has become an everyday necessity. Thanks to genius scientists like Tim Berners-Lee for creating the world wide web, and making the internet less techie. Since the web became more interactive and easier to use by the common folk, it grew like a mushroom and covered the entire globe in almost an instant. Almost everything nowadays happens online. Ask anyone who lives in a civilized world if they can live for a whole month without being connected to some Wi-Fi or broadband, and he/she shall testify to you that it's not possible for them. Whenever the internet gets disconnected in the neighborhood, people become so furious, more than when there is an electric power blackout. ...
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