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Pierre De Moin
Publisher: RDG Reflect Publishing
Pages: 18

Springtime is a wonderful period of the year to head up into the High Sierra mountains in California. There is a short, transitional period of relative peace and quiet when snow skiers are wrapping up their hectic wintertime activities right before the summer season begins to gear up with mountain bikers, hikers, fishermen, and multitudes of families converging upon the area for their summer vacations. Come along with Pierre as he shows you how to have a week of fun during the month of May in the mountain getaway community of Mammoth Lakes. It is a spectacularly beautiful region and there is much to do and behold for outdoor enthusiasts. However, it will also serve admirably those who desire simply to relax and find sweet repose for their souls in the grandeur of granite spires that reach up and touch the heavens. Here's to your enjoyment and well-being!
Amazon Rating:
2 stars from 6 ratings