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Henry Simpson
Publisher: newgame
Pages: 272

Set fifteen years before the other Joe Costa novels, this one begins as Joe enters law school and ends shortly after he graduates. Most of the action is episodic, with Joe working as a bouncer in a Hollywood nightclub operated by the Carbone family. There he meets and interacts with many interesting characters—club guests, baristas, prostitutes, drug dealers, petty criminals, bikers, nut cases, and mobsters. He keeps the peace, settles disputes, and sometimes resorts to violence. Police try to recruit him as an informant, and harass him when he refuses. An angry customer files an assault complaint and Joe must defend himself before a judge. When no law firm will offer Joe a summer internship, he does odd jobs for the Carbones—collecting debts, bodyguarding, evicting deadbeat tenants, rescuing professional escorts, and so forth. When a club barista kills her abusive husband, Joe finds a ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 16 ratings