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Lisa Strattin
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 42

Best-Selling Children's Book author, Lisa Strattin, presents:Facts About the Dromedary Camel: A Picture Book For Kids.This educational book presents facts along with full color photographs and carefully chosen words to teach children about the Dromedary Camel.Packed with facts about the Dromedary Camel, your children or grandchildren will enjoy learning from start to finish while they read this book.This book was a pleasure to write, and knowing that children learn from it made it all worthwhile!If you want to learn about the Dromedary Camels, you will enjoy this book.Learn many interesting facts and see some beautiful photographs of the Dromedary Camels.The gorgeous photographs will keep your child engaged from beginning to end.Included in the kids books ages 6-8 paperback version are some coloring pages for your child!Note: This book is suitable for children books ages 6-8 years or ...
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