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Eva Reinhard
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 27

Get 3 BONUS BOOKS when you buy this book!15 Lovely Bread Machine RecipesI have put together this book of 15 Lovely Bread Machine Recipes that are going to help you make wonderful bread for you and your family in the comfort of your home. There is nothing like the smell of bread filling your home on a cold winter afternoon or in the morning of summertime. The smell of bread is the odor of love!Each Bread Machine recipe in this cookbook is easy to prepare with step-by-step instructions. This cookbook comes with linked tables of content which makes finding your favorite Bread recipes easy. Pumpkin, Coconut, Almond Bread, Cherry Yogurt Bread and English Muffin Bread are just a few of the delicious Bread Machine Recipes in this bookThis book Consists of:Table of Contents (clickable)IntroductionTHREE Bonus Books15 Lovely Bread Machine RecipesDiscover delicious Bread Machine recipes the whole ...
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3.5 stars from 9 ratings