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Carolyn Stone, Ashleen Stone
Pages: 146

The warmer weather is coming, and with it the chance to head outside to enjoy the fresh air. Many families head to national parks and remote locations to get away from it all, and enjoy unspoiled wilderness. Estimates put spending on recreation in wilderness environments at a whopping $646 billion per year.It’s great to foster an appreciation of nature within your family, but it can come at a greater cost than mere money if you and your family members don’t learn a few basics in relation to the potential hazards involved in hiking and camping, especially if you are very far off the beaten track and miles away from the nearest medical assistance and first aid supplies.In this guide, you will discover some of the main health concerns related to going out in the wilderness in order to help readers prepare for any close encounters that might be of an unhealthy and even dangerous kind. ...
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4 stars from 6 ratings