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Kathy Kafka
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 26

Filled with beautiful vivid pictures to keep children engaged combined with rhyming phases is a great way to introduce young children to the alphabet. A wonderful approach to familiarize a young child with the ABC’s arranged to form a pictorial representation of the subject.My ABC Photo Book is a chance to combine writing and photography. The text has been written to appeal to the pre-school and the early school age child. It is also a great book for toddlers learning their ABC’s with great rhymes and the connection of a photograph. Photos are combined with a two line poetic verse to make a child think and smile. The book is told through the alphabet with each photo clear, interesting, colorful and pleasing. Kids love actual pictures with different environments and will be able to sound out each letter with the word. This is great for young children who are just learning their alphabet ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 6 ratings