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N. G. Simsion, James Roth
Publisher: Inky's Nest Publishing
Pages: 654

Fans of series like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and Divergent will love N.G. Simsion. Zero prefers to keep his life simple. Although he is easily one of the largest and cleverest boys in his year, he runs from any sign of confrontation. His best friend—his only friend—is nothing like him. Obsessed with the world outside of the city walls, Lefty is always pushing the boundaries set by society's Elite. It’s only a matter of time before they have gone too far and they’re forced to face the horrors of the "old world" on their own. Can they survive and learn to coexist with the dangerous Remnants of the old world? Are the Remnants of the old world even the worst of their problems, or do the Elite of their own society pose an even greater threat?
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 66 ratings