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J. R. McLeay
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 190

A HIGH-CONCEPT SCIENCE FICTION SCREENPLAY.Dr. Richard Ross has discovered a miracle cure for aging. But it comes at a price. Everyone who wants eternal youth must undergo an operation before passing into adulthood that locks their body in the form of a preadolescent youth. When the seniors die off, immortal juveniles rise to power.But not everyone is happy with the new arrangement. A group of rebels from the Garden of Eden church plots to overthrow the new regime and return the world to its natural order. A series of sinister schemes and escalating medical complications soon sets the world on a course of imminent extinction.Building to a chilling climax, Dr. Ross and his endocrinologist girlfriend must find and rescue the one person who carries the genetic link for saving the human race.A mind-bending technothriller where children take over the planet.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 7 ratings