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Pages: 63

You thought that things were crazy in the first series, just wait until you read the sequel. Melissa and August just want some peace in their life, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen with everyone from their past resurfacing. No matter how hard everything becomes between the new couple. Mike and Cassandra were finally in a place in their life that they loved, and they were in a place with each other that they loved even more. Carissa thought that she had lost everyone and felt that she was never going to be accepted again, so she did the only thing she felt was right. Side with the enemy. Bryant only wants what was once his and that’s Melissa but she isn’t thinking about him and she’s better off without him, but he just doesn’t seem to get that. Let’s all just hope that the outcome doesn’t end so deadly.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 57 ratings