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Wes Lowe
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 374

AN UNCONSCIONABLE TRAGEDY.AN AVENGING CRIMINAL MOGULTHE ULTIMATE GAME OF SEEK AND DESTROY >Rayna and the Fidelitas team head to China to punish the corrupt businessmen who pocketed huge illicit fortunes by building schools with substandard materials and unskilled labor. During a mild earthquake, thousands of schoolchildren were killed, maimed or injured. During the search for the felons, an even more heinous plot is uncovered--one faceless conspirator known only as The Mandarin, plans to inflict a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions on the United States for the death of his son, a college student in California.A policeman's bullet ended the teenager's life when he attacked patrons and staff in a bar during a drug-fueled psychosis. As payback, the Mandarin plans the deaths of a million Americans by flooding the United States with a lethal new drug. To prevent this disaster, Rayna must ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 136 ratings