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Cassie Coleman
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 50

Learn How To Adopt Hinduism as a Way of LifeHinduism is the oldest and the third largest religion by population. There are more than a billion Hindus in India, Nepal, Indonesia (Bali), Mauritius, Canada, New Zealand, Kenya, and elsewhere in the world who practice the faith. However, many scholars and practitioners believe that Hinduism is not a religion at all – it is a way of life, as Hinduism explains the purpose of human life, what you should and shouldn’t do, how you should behave with others, and how you should carry out your duties and responsibilities.There are many aspects of Hinduism that makes it distinct from any other religion. For instance, there is no founder. Hinduism developed from the faiths and traditions of the earliest people who practiced it, and it is still evolving. Hinduism believes that God is within us, and everywhere in the universe.This book contains detailed ...
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