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Jaime Lorie Goza
Publisher: Legacy Publishing
Pages: 215

Life with Charlotte Grace was like a fairy tale. She gave me more than I could’ve ever dreamt possible. A family, one of hers and one of ours. I had sons!Our love was unstoppable. Life moved much too fast for us. Old age took us over, but it never took our love away. I loved the woman until the very end, and then I loved her more. *** David was everything Jacob wasn’t. Life with him was one fantasy after another.He gave me more children, a thing that frightened me at first. But soon I found all Jacob’s fears of me dying if I gave birth again where for nothing.Our years were spent happily, and they ended way too soon.Once left alone, I kept having horrible dreams where Jacob and David were calling out to me. And how was I supposed to pick only one of the men to spend eternity with…
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