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Joanna Warrington
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 300

Lyn wakes on her 50th birthday with no man and middle age staring her in the face."For readers who enjoy British humour." Readers Favorite. Determined to change her sad trajectory Lyn books a surprise road trip for herself and her three children through the American Southwest and Yellowstone. Before they even get on the plane, the trip hits a major snag. An uninvited guest joins them at the airport turning their dream trip into a nightmare.Amid the mountain vistas, secrets will be revealed and a hurtful betrayal confronted.This book is more than an amusing family saga. It will also appeal to those interested in American scenery, history and culture. This is part of a loosely related family drama collection. Book 2 is 'A Time To Reflect' and book 3 is 'Don't Blame Me.'
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 101 ratings