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Les Williams
Publisher: Gayles Publishing
Pages: 347

The Kennedys rose from the slums of Boston to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the United States, but their journey had not been an easy one. Of Joe Kennedy’s nine children, two were killed in plane crashes, two were assassinated in public office, one was institutionalised and one had his political career ruined by an accident that resulted in the death of a young campaign worker. These and other tragedies have given rise to the legend of the “Kennedy Curse,” but this book aims to show that there was no curse at all. We look at each of these events in some detail and in context with one another and we see that they follow the simple rule of cause and effect. Most of the tragedies that have befallen the Kennedy family were borne out of Joseph Kennedy’s obsessive desire for wealth and political power. He drove his children hard and many achieved great things, but ...
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