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Jaime Lorie Goza
Publisher: Legacy Publishing
Pages: 189

Going into Dublin as Charlotte O’Brian had given me the worst case of nerves I’d ever had. The children and I had made an agreement about what Charlotte had offered us.The first thing I found was that a gorgeous, sophisticated, wealthy man had eyes for the late women whose identity was given to me. David Fitzgerald was out of my league. I knew it, he did not.It had never occurred to me that my daughter would be in danger of being taken away from me. David was the only person who could help me. My mind tried hard to stay on task, my body wanted the man, leading me to a place I was sure was taking me straight to hell… ***I’d had eyes for Charlotte for years, but when she came back into town after she and our niece had survived a shipwreck, I knew I had to make my play for her a lot harder than I had been.She was different. More caring, and she glowed from within with a radiance she hadn’t ...
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4.5 stars from 2 ratings