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Samantha Cayto
Publisher: Samantha Cayto
Pages: 148

Joey grew up as a pampered omega pup. That is until his first shift confirmed him as only a workaday sigma—and a gay one at that. After being kicked out of his birth pack, his life was literally saved by the new and different Rogue Pack. While he’s made peace with his status and revels in his cooking skills, he’s still haunted by the abuse and rejection he faced as a teenager. When a strange malady is diagnosed as being his first heat, he cannot believe he’s really an omega after all. It has to be a mistake, and he fears that when everyone realizes it, he will be ostracized once more. Liam is one of the pack’s gammas, the kind of shifter that everyone thinks is all muscle, no brain, and not much heart. When his childhood love was mated to another, he couldn’t handle the loss and turned feral. The Rogue Pack has given him a new purpose, but his devotion remains with the female he left ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 459 ratings