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Serenity Woods
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 217

It's better to regret the things you've done than the things you haven't. Right?JessI’ve made so many mistakes in my life, I’m sure I’m in the book of Guinness World Records, and unfortunately, this year has proved no exception. Telling my boss’s wife that we were having an affair was probably the biggest mistake, but the lying bastard broke my heart, so I don’t regret it. I do regret losing my job, though, especially now I’m broke. Frankly, I’m glad it’s nearly New Year, and I can put this annus horribilis behind me. If only I could do the same with the rest of my life, things might start to look up.When I see a guy lying on the deck of the beach house next to mine, I make sure I look the other way. I want a quiet, uncomplicated New Year, and I’m not going to get involved with a complete stranger, especially one who’s obviously got issues of his own. But then his family invites me to ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 531 ratings