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Insight Traveller
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 54

This book aims to help the tourists whether traveling with families or friends to help in planning attractions, accommodation to choose during their visit to Perth and the surrounding areas to cover around Perth. This book will serve as a complete guide when visiting Perth and the surrounding regions of PerthIf you have gone through my books where I have covered Sydney, Gold Coast, and the Whitsundays, this book also aims to list best of the attractions, sightseeing, surrounding attractions which can be visited during your visit to Perth and it also list major websites to refer to book attractions or plan your days. This book covers the regions of Albany, Spectacular Natural Landscapes across the various National Parks, Pemberton Region, Margaret River, Swan Valley, Freemantle, Rottnest Island and the famous Pinnacles which can be visited during your trip to Perth; it also has various ...
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