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Geniuz Gamer
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 48

BOOK 4 OF THE CLOCK IS TICKING SERIESTruth or liesShort storyline This is the fourth installment of a five part pentalogy. Herobrine and his brother Steve are the best of friends, and they do practically everything together, except that Steve has to take orders from his older brother Herobrine. One morning, they awake to find things different, and this sends them out onto a journey for something that calls to Herobrine. Herobrine and his Brother Steve have their lives turned upside down when they awaken to find that they have changed. Herobrine is now no longer the older brother, and has somehow turned into a young kid, whereas Steve has now turned into an adult overnight. Their journey to this mob village has uncovered a terrible truth that has now been brought into the light. The death of the dragon and the subsequent attack by his brethren will not be the only challenges that they ...
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